The problem of diversification While I believe it makes sense to diversify, there are some risks associated with this strategy. Philippines Photo Editor The main problem is that you run the risk of spreading yourself too lightly on your blogs. I learned this the hard way in my first two years of blogging for money. I saw what I could achieve with just one blog and decided to multiply my efforts by blogging on up to 20 blogs at once. The result was poor quality content, stress and tension and ultimately blogger burnout.
The more I gave myself to do, the less time I could devote to any particular activity, including producing engaging, useful, interesting and unique content. Philippines Photo Editor The flow on effect of this is that my earnings during this period did not increase as much as I had hoped. What I ended up doing was hiring a blogger to take over one of the projects I was running, killing off the majority of the rest of my blogs, and focusing on two blogs (ProBlogger and DPS).
By doing so, I saw immediate results. The blogs I was able to focus all my blogging energy on literally exploded due to the improved content, the extra time I was able to spend interacting with readers, and my extra energy levels who renewed my passion for the subjects that I was. write about. Philippines Photo Editor Are you spreading too thin? There are a number of areas where I see bloggers (including myself) spreading too thinly, including:Multiple blogs - I find two blogs is enough for me - at b5media we have a few bloggers who manage more than that, but there comes a time when their blogs suffer if they add more.