What produces fruit and what greedily sucks up your time and energy without any benefit? I am a big believer in finding “energy” points in my life and putting more emphasis on them. For example, when I realized how much I had spread myself too thin with over 20 blogs, I picked the two or three that worked and killed the rest. T-Shirt Design service Set deadlines When I start new projects, I usually have a deadline in mind by which I would like to see results. If I don't see at least some signs of life in the project at this point, I either kill the project or figure out how to approach it differently in order to see the results I need. Streamline your processes
What are the things you need to do that you are ineffective at? I always knew how much time emails took out of my day, but I didn't do anything for years. The added pressure that my inefficiency in this area of my business cost me was stupid and meant I was struggling more than necessary. Reinventing my email processing system gave me extra time. T-Shirt Design service What other processes are wasting your time? Maybe it's an email, maybe his reading RSS feeds, maybe his social media, maybe it's an activity like moderating comments? How can you streamline these important but time-consuming processes?
Outsource Outsourcing has been getting a lot of attention lately (Tim's 4 hour work week might have something to do with it). I don't outsource a lot of my blogging activities, but I see the point. I currently have some help moderating comments and have hired a few editors at DPS, which has helped immensely. Keep in mind, T-Shirt Design service however, that outsourcing means managing other people, which may take you even longer in the short term while you install people.