Although it seems a little unnecessary, it can actually be important because their vote could tip your message into a “viral” increase in real traffic. Solution: The solution to the problem of good content but bad titles is pretty obvious: take more time with your titles. If people decide whether or not to read your post based on your post titles Photo Restoration Service if you don't give them careful thought, you're almost wasting your time slaving over your actual posts. 5 tips for developing good post titles for your blog I've already written a lot of tips here at ProBlogger about writing titles, including:
Keep it Simple - Most of the research I've seen on headlines seems to indicate that the most effective headlines are short, simple, and easy to understand. While breaking these rules can help attract attention (see below), they can also confuse, frustrate, and put a glazed look in the eyes of potential readers. Shorter titles are also good for search engines - keep them under around 40 characters and you'll ensure the entire title shows up in search results. Photo Restoration Service 2. Attract attention – Good titles set your posts apart from the clutter around them, then draw readers to your post.
Attracting attention can occur using “shock”, “big claims”, “controversy” or even “confusion” tactics. While these tactics work to draw people in, it must also be said that they can do more harm than good if the rest of your post doesn't deliver what your headline promises. Photo Restoration Service By all means, try to grab attention – just “trick” your readers into thinking you're going to provide them with something you can't. 3. Fulfill a need – An effective title entices people to read more because they feel you have something to say that they NEED to hear. Indexes like illustrate how effective this is.